Autodesk Maya rig - FT human female PG4-HJ8-GHF5

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Introducing the FIGURE-FEMALE, our flagship character rig for Autodesk Maya 2022-24. This rig establishes the standard control scheme for all biped-plantigrade FIGURE-TEK rigs in the Variant Library.

Each new rig is given a unique randomly generated 10 digit alphanumeric code to help track keep track of their journeys. Over 18 billion possible characters.. Got to start somewhere..

Make sure to checkout the license files included, but basically:
The license model is ONE LICENCE per ANIMATOR.
YOU MAY use FIGURE-TEK rigs for your projects commercial or otherwise.

Example 1: You are teaching an online course. You purchase a license for an asset and all of your students purchase licenses as well. They are then also welcome to use the rig however they like going forward.
Example 2: You are a studio owner and would like to use Figure-Tek assets in your production: Have your animators each purchase a license that is tied to them.
You may reimburse your animators for purchasing the a license if you like but they must purchase the rig from Figure-Tek. I'm happy to give you discount codes if you have multiple animators working with you. This model is specifically designed to empower animators and to help me build my customer base.

Do NOT resell or freely redistribute FIGURE-TEK rigs for sale here on Gumroad or elsewhere.
Do NOT use Figure-Tek rigs to promote or spread hate
Do NOT participate in the creation, distribution, or promotion of content that includes, represents, or suggests the involvement of minors in activities prohibited by law or considered sexually explicit or harmful.

Figure-Tek rigs can be considered n.s.f.w. as they've got.. all the bits. The controls are disabled by default wherever possible and I'll eventually offer a scripted way to remove them entirely to Ken and Barbie levels if you don't need them in your production.

Credit: When using any rigged asset in any project or product, credit must be given to the creator FIGURE-TEK STUDIOS in any associated documentation or credits section.

If you use Figure-TEK rigs in your project, drop us a line and we'll tag your project in the Figure-Tek projects database for others to see how and where the characters are being used.


  • Mgear and pymel: Open source modular Rigging framework. Pymel is required to run mgear.
  • Simplex: Simplex is an open source blend shape management system designed by Blur Studios and is used to manage combination shapes for the characters face.

    To get started you'll want to download the following:

    Go to :
    Scroll down and download the the most recent,
    at this time. unzip the folder to your desktop or somewhere for easy access.

    Go to:
    Scroll down to the section called Easy Installation and right click the link that says this link , save the file to your desktop.

    Go to:
    These are scripts I'll update to build tools and export utilities for users. Press the green code button and Download Zip. Unzip, inside you'll find the FT_public folder, drag that into your your maya scripts directory at C:\Users\username\Documents\maya\scripts. For updates delete the folder and redownload it.
    (..If you're wondering why I don't have people just git clone it , I've got enough dependencies to worry about, sheesh.)

  • Next we are going to check if you have pymel installed and walk you though how to get it if you don't have it.
  • To test, open Maya. In a python script editor, run:
    import pymel.core as pm 
  • If no error, congrats you have pymel already! Continue to "Once your sure you have pymel installed:"
  • If it errors out and says no module found you need to install pymel:

    Open windows explorer and navigate to your install location(replace stars with your version of maya):
    C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya20**\bin
  • In the windows explorer folder path, type cmd to open a command prompt. In the command prompt terminal type:
    mayapy -m pip install pymel 
  • You should probably restart maya and try the import pymel.core as pm command again. Shouldn't get any more errors. Congrats on doing a hard thing.


  • Once your sure you have pymel installed: Open a fresh Maya.
  • Open the unzipped mgear folder, drag and drop the file named into your maya viewport, confirm the install location and hit accept. you should see a menu appear on the top bar that says mgear.
  • Drag the unzipped folder FT_public folder into your maya scripts directory. You can also git clone the folder here if your savy and you want to make sure you can pull new updates to the code base.
  • Drag the file named: into the viewport as well. Give it a moment and a window will pop up letting you know the installation is complete. Restart Maya once more, and your done!
  • Your environment is now setup to run any Figure-Tek rig. Welcome!

Current rig architecture: v00010

Some scheduled updates:

  • The finger controls will be updated before the full release which may affect your animations.
  • Eyelashes deformers are being updated to allow for export to game engines
  • Implement a basic open-pose rig
  • Finalizing unreal export including the face rig, export scripts incoming.
  • Video walk throughs on Installation, intro to the rig and its features, and exporting to game engines.
  • Implement open-pose Face and hand markers

Many more features are coming soon. Stay tuned for more.

Freelance rigging services are available to help incorporate Figure-Tek into your production pipeline.
client inquiries can email at
For more information and the latest updates and our collaborator program, or If you run into install issues you can ask for help on the FIGURE-TEK Discord server channel: install-help:

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A quality rig that still in alpha, if you like working with this there's a lot more coming.

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Autodesk Maya rig - FT human female PG4-HJ8-GHF5

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